
Posts Tagged ‘road block’

In rural america we are fairly accustomed to short power outages last a few hours to all night. But a disaster can bring with it outages that last much longer.

Due to the recent wild fires, many are without power for various reasons. Some have no idea when or for how long power will be restored. These people have no been forced to evacuate due to the wild fires, but they are facing the effects of the disaster in their own homes.

A few things to think about:

– With out power, How will you:

* Cook

* Shower

* Maintain the foods you have stores in your refrigerator and freezer

* Get water for drinking

* Get water to operate your toilet

* Get your news and weather information

* Get information on emergency survival

* Charge cell phones & other communication devices

Freeze Dried foods, such as those we have at my online store, Tawnysthrivinghome.com, are great to keep in your home for everyday use and emergency situations. They can be used by simply adding water. They require no refrigeration or freezing. They taste great and are an excellent source of nutrition. Best of all, most products have a 25 year shelf life, so they can always be kept on hand.

Shelf reliance also sells other emergency needs and camping products, by using the Q you can actually earn points to purchase some of these items for free. These items include portable stoves and cookware for heating foods, emergency radios, solar-powered items, an emergency radio that is solar-powered and can charge your cell phone, and water storage and purifying items, and much more. The website also offers an emergency planner to help you decide what is best for you and your family.

With a well stocked pantry and “home store” you are not only saving time and money but you are also prepared for the things that may come up along the way.

The recent fires have brought up other questions.

What about Road Blocks?

Many local roads have been blocked off as a result of the wild fires.

This can result in several different potential problems for those who do not have a well stocked pantry.

Road blocks often mean supply trucks can not get to local grocery stores to replenish stock. A stock that during a disaster is likely to need stocking more than ever. Supply trucks may also be unable to reach gas stations. You may not be able to easily get in or back out of a particular area.

When you need emergency supplies is often when they are hardest to get too.

In this case, being prepared is key. 

Keeping first aid, emergency, and food supplies on hand is essential. Wal-mart may run out of eggs and milk as customers try to “stock up” as disaster hits and supply trucks are limited. But if you have stocked your ‘home store’ with Thrive whole egg powder and Thrive instant milk, the shortage will not affect you and your family. In fact, you may be able to help your hungry neighbors around you, because you were prepared. What a wonderful opportunity that would provide!!

In Conclusion,

We hope disaster never hits. But in times such as this, the reality that disaster can happen at any time is all too close to home. It is times like this that help us to remember why we must prepare in order to protect and provide for our families.

Creating a well stocked pantry “home store” provides you convenience & a wonderful money-saving option. This alone makes it a worthy investment. But, in times of trouble, the home store acts as your first line of defence for your family, providing supplies and nutrients and comfort when it may not be available other wise. In this instance your home store goes from a convenient worthy investment to a life saving necessity.

~ Go to TawnysThrivingHome.com to shop products and get the best deals on food storage and emergency preparation products.~

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